I received this from Robin Petersen today describing his problems with Boeing taking responsibility for their subsidiary BISS. GFS
If you have the time I would suggest taking a moment to look at this C-Span link;
I would also suggest that you start the C-Span video at 1:17 in which Mr. McNerney begins his testimony before the AFSC.
The Boeing Company CEO, Mr. James W. McNerney Jr. went on record before the Armed Forces Services Committee in August of 2006 following a Department of Justice investigation that proved that the Boeing Company had been involved in unethical and criminal wrongdoing. Mr. McNerney, the new CEO of (14 months) stated in part that he would personally ensure that "The Boeing Company" would put the unethical past behind them, move forward, and operate under the highest standards of integrity and ethical business conduct. Mr. McNerney stated that he would personally oversee the Boeing Ethics and Compliance Programs and hold those managers who failed to follow his leadership principles and ethics guidelines accountable.
You should know that I contacted the Boeing Ethics Hotline in April of 2009 to express my concerns of unethical business practices, by people who represented themselves as "Boeing Managers." I also contacted Mr. McNerney himself, via federal express letter from Saudi Arabia in June 2009 in which I identified a number of ethical violations; that I was injured; that his company had breached my contract for failure to pay me my salary; that I felt fraud was taking place; that there was a complete disregard for the safety and wellbeing of Boeing employees; and that my U.S. Passport had not been returned upon my request.
Mr. McNerney never bothered to respond to this report of obvious ethics and criminal violations. If leadership, ethics and integrity are to be achieved by example, I believe Mr. McNerney has failed in that responsibility.
Thank you,
Robin P. Petersen (Rob)
Robin Patrick Petersen
100 Robins W. Parkway #105
Warner Robins, GA 31088
(480) 993-5344
April 30, 2011
The Honorable Patrick Leahy, U.S. Senator
437 Russell Senate Bldg
United States Senate
Washington DC 20501
Subj: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act - Boeing Fraud/Passport Confiscation
Dear Senator Leahy,
I am writing this letter to ask for your assistance. I do so because I believe your work in introducing a Congressional Bill entitled H.R. 4567 Civilian Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Act (CEJA) in February of 2010 may apply to my particular situation. You have my written consent to investigate should you decide to help me.
In January of 2009, I was employed by "The Boeing Company" (TBC) and its wholly owned subsidiary Boeing International Support Systems, Saudi Arabia (BISS) who have engaged in fraudulent and criminal activities (First) here in the United States and then again in the country of Saudi Arabia.
The criminal activity I am referring to was (First) committed here in the United States and arises from fraudulent recruiting practices that BISS is conducting while operating as an unregistered business from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma and in St. Louis, Missouri. The criminal activity overseas stems from fraudulent representations made by TBC management; fraudulent activities taking place within these companies operations; and the fact that Boeing/BISS management confiscated my U.S. Passport and did not returned it upon my written demand. I believe the confiscation of a U.S. Passport; not returning it upon demand; and holding a person in a foreign country for months against their will constitutes the criminal act of false imprisonment.
During the time I was being held against my will I reported this incident to Boeing's Ethics Department, Boeing's CEO and to U.S. Department of State, but heard nothing back from them. On June 8th, 2009 (nearly four months of captivity) I was able to get out of Saudi Arabia with the assistance of a security officer who was working at the U.S. Consulate who demanded that Boeing/BISS return my passport. When I returned home to the United States, I reported this incident to the Phoenix FBI. Although, I provided the FBI with as much detail as I could they never took any action. I then contacted Senator John McCain who passed my complaint on to Senator Jon Kyl who then inquired on my behalf to find out why law enforcement (the FBI) failed to act. The U.S. Justice Department responded informing Senator Kyl that the FBI stated that they did not have jurisdiction in this matter. I strongly disagree with the statement that the FBI provided Senator Kyl because the criminal act of "Fraud" was in fact initiated here in the United States by a company (BISS) that according to its own attorneys has no legal right to be operating in this country. (They are not legally registered in the U.S. and are not paying U.S. Corporate income taxes) The U.S. Department of Justice without careful analysis appears to have failed to recognize or consider this fact. (Please find Senator Kyl's letter to me dated October 29, 2010 and the response he received from the U.S. Department of Justice dated 07 Oct 2010)
In May of 2010 I filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court of Arizona alleging wrongdoing by TBC and BISS. TBC and BISS have filed motions to have my case dismissed against them based on improper forum selection. The court has granted their motion to dismiss, ruling improper forum selection while not taking in to account that I was defrauded by BISS (First) here in the United States and that BISS is operating illegally within the United States.
1. Please find evidence enclosed and listed as (Exhibit A) that attorneys representing "The Boeing Company" (TBC) and Boeing International Support Systems (BISS) have provided a sworn affidavit from Yvette B. Kumi a Boeing Corporate paralegal who states " the only jurisdiction in which BISS is authorized to do business is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."
2. Please find enclosed as (Exhibit B) a business card that I received from a Mr. Dan Nelson who clearly identifies himself as a Manager for International Support Systems - BISS and who states his operations are located at 6001 S. Air Depot, Oklahoma City, OK.
3. Please find enclosed as (Exhibit C) an email from BISS Manager Daniel J. Nelson stationed and "Doing Business" in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This email identifies that his supervisors are operating from St. Louis, Missouri.
4. Please find enclosed (Exhibit D) a Boeing Company press release dated (Jan. 7, 2010) that indicates that the Boeing Company is making leadership changes to include Mr. Torbjorn Sjogren to be named Vice President of International Support Systems and Alsalam Aircraft Company. Mr. Sjogren lives and operates from St. Louis, Missouri.
5. Please find enclosed correspondence from Boeing/BISS attorney Geoffrey M.T. Sturr that provides evidence that BISS/Alsalam has financial accounts (Citi Bank, NY) located here in the United States.
6. Please find enclosed a copy of my attorney's motion to vacate and file an amended claim against the Boeing Company and Boeing International Support Systems (BISS).
Although Boeing attorney's with all the power of their company have been able to twist the facts in their favor, please understand that it is my contention that "Fraud" took place (first) here in the United States. I should be allowed the right to litigate here in my own country and not forced to return to Saudi Arabia to obtain justice when that country subverts freedom, continues to violate the rights of others, and is listed by our own government as a Tier III violator whose legal system is unjust and subject to corruption.
I would ask that you please conduct your own investigation, asking the Attorney General again why criminal activity such as "Fraud" that was committed by TBC/BISS in this country cannot be investigated by our own law enforcement officials (the FBI) and why the U.S. Justice Department has failed to provide due diligence in enforcing the laws of our country which are instituted to protect its Citizens from those who knowingly and willfully engage in criminal acts. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for taking the time to review the enclosed material.
Robin Patrick Petersen
Posted by: Robin Petersen | June 04, 2011 at 10:04 AM